Fling Adımı ve Hız Atımı Nedir?

Bu videoda sizlere Fling adımı (fling step) ve hız atımını (velocity pulse) anlattım.


Zhao, Dahai, Yang Liu, and Hongnan Li. "Self-Tuning Fuzzy Control for Seismic Protection of Smart Base-Isolated Buildings Subjected to Pulse-Type Near-Fault Earthquakes." Applied Sciences 7.2 (2017): 185.

Baker, Jack W. "Quantitative classification of near-fault ground motions using wavelet analysis." Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 97.5 (2007): 1486-1501.

Somerville, Paul G. "Engineering characterization of near fault ground motions." Proc., NZSEE 2005 Conf. 2005.

Kalkan, Erol, and Sashi K. Kunnath. "Effects of fling step and forward directivity on seismic response of buildings." Earthquake spectra 22.2 (2006): 367-390.

Worku, Asrat. "The status of basic design ground motion provisions in seismic design codes of sub-Saharan African countries: A critical review." Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering 56.1 (2014): 40-52.