Scotia Tektonik Levhası

Bu videoda sizlere Scotia tektonik levhasının özelliklerini anlattım.

Gifex -
Northwestern Üniversitesi – (Kaynağın Doğrusu: USGS)
Crystalinks – (Kaynağın Doğrusu: USGS)
B. Nicholson, J. Georgen, 2013 - Controls on Crustal Accretion along the Back-Arc East Scotia Ridge: Constraints from Bathymetry and Gravity Data, Marine Geophysical Research
Smith ve Sandwell, 1997 - Global seafloor topography from satellite altimetry and ship depth soundings. Science 277:1957-1962
B. Sandwell ve Smith, 1997 - Marine gravity anomaly from Geosat and ERS 1 satellite altimetry. J. Geophys Res 102:10039-10054
Lillie, R.J., 1999 - Marine gravity anomaly from Geosat and ERS 1 satellite altimetry. J. Geophys Res 102:10039-10054 ( Kaynağın Doğrusu: B. Sandwell ve Smith, 1997)
R. Smalley Jr., vd. 2007 – Scotia arc kinematics from GPS geodesy, Geophysical Resarch Letters, Vol. 34, L21308, doi:10.1029/2007GL031699
J.L. Giner-Robles vd., 2003 – A kinematic model of the Scotia plate (SW Atlantic Ocean), Journal of South American Earth Sciences 16 p. 179–191.
Matthew R. vd., 2005 – First recorded eruption of Mount Belinda volcano (Montagu Island),South Sandwich Islands, Bull Volcanol 67:415–422 DOI 10.1007/s00445-004-0382-6
A. Vuan vd., 2000 - Group Velocity Tomography in the Subantarctic Scotia Sea Region, Pure appl. geophys. 157 1337–13570033–4553:00:091337–21 $ 1.500.20:0